Gaga for Lady Gaga’s Tummy

Last night was the Super Bowl – and in case you missed, Lady Gaga was the half time show performer.

Let me first say that I haven’t always been a fan of Ms. Gaga.  She is a supremely talented vocalist and musician, but I really hate antics.  I know it’s a gimmick and about money and fame, but, some the crap she’s pulled has irked me to no end.  I mean, who else can live without her meat dress or the gun bra just weeks after the Sandy Hook shooting (bad, bad, bad taste!!)

But, if you put her in a room with a piano or just her voice, I can listen to her all day.

Anyway, all that aside, last night Lady Gaga gave an outstanding performance during half time.  It really was an incredible spectacle and I would have loved to have been there.  But, it seems that what has been talked about, tweeted, and posted about more than her singing and dancing is her stomach.  Yep.  Her stomach.


via Google

See that up there?   up-arrow

Internet trolls are calling that woman fat.  ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME????

First of all, let me say this….Lady Gaga is not fat.  Second, even if she were fat, whose effing business is it for anyone to comment on her body. She’s obviously very comfortable with her body (made apparent by her constant crotch shots to the camera – something else I can live without).  Third, she rocked the stage AND those glittery shorts and I suspect she could dance circles around the aforementioned trolls. Let us not forget she is a singer NOT a supermodel!

SOME FANS (<- click that link) have already banded together to address the body-shamers and to praise Gaga for her tummy.



And isn’t it ironic how all this has happened just a few hours after I posted “there will always be someone – that one person – who will do whatever he or she can to keep you down.” in my post yesterday.  It makes one wonder what these folks at home are like…the judgy ones who feel they have the right to comment on everyone else’s body.  I mean, they must be so completely perfect.  *insert sarcasm here*

Let us praise Lady Gaga for her rockin’ concert last night and forget about what her legs, boobs, stomach, ass, nose looks like.  Why don’t we concentrate on her musical talents and goodwill and give her props for that, instead of asserting something that is 100% none of out frickin’ business.

And I’ll say it once more:

Let us not forget she is a singer NOT a supermodel!  And she looked hella good!!

End Rant.












Instant Results

I saw this meme the other day on my Facebook feed and I thought how true it is and has been for many of us.


We’re just entering our second week of 2017 and, as most people do, many of us have also made New Year’s Resolutions.  (Have you?  Tell me about them.)

I almost never make resolutions for the new year because I know I’m more than likely setting myself up for failure.  (Stop swearing.  Yeah right!)

Instead, this time I have have made the decision and commitment to work harder on my strength training this year.  For Christmas I had received a free-standing boxing bag, something I have wanted for a long time.  I was ecstatic Christmas morning.  And I have been utilizing it this past week like crazy.

In addition to the boxing, I am going to continue to my strength training in the gym (and at home) with lifting weights and, hopefully, continuously increasing the weight.  Of course, this part will depend on how my back fares.  I wretched it again just this morning while shoveling snow.  Sometimes I feel like it’s never going to heal.  But, that being said, I will work on my strength while doing my best not to injure myself any further.


My Whole 30 60 (I am aiming big this time) also starts tomorrow morning and I have been so excited to get going.  Don’t get me wrong, I am going to miss chocolate and those dreamy peppermint mochas, but I know how wonderful I feel when doing a Whole and committing myself to completely clean eating for 60 days has me on edge in all the good ways.

But see – this is the point of this post.  Instant results would be fabulous!  But it’s just not realistic.  Oprah said years ago on her show that if there were a pill out there to make her lose weight she would be on it!  But, unfortunately, there is no magic pill. You have to work for it.  You have to.  The only instant result you get is making the choice to change your life.

That’s right, in one instant you can change your life.  You can commit yourself to a better lifestyle – to eating cleaner, to sleeping more, to getting enough water to drink, and to exercising.


Even 20 minutes a day can change your life!

Many years ago, when I was overweight and at my heaviest, I made that commitment. And, as you know, I haven’t looked back.  I have changed my life.

At first, I had a hard time getting through my workouts.  I was panting and huffing and puffing.  I could barely get through three minutes.  But I kept at it and I worked my way up to 10, 20, 30, 60, 120 minutes.  I have often said that 20 minutes a day can change your life  and I stick by that.  You do not need to spend hours upon hours in the gym.  But you do have to do something.  Start off with a goal of even 5 minutes a day.  Work your way up to 10 or 20 minutes over the weeks.  See how different you feel, how easier it is to breathe, how harder you can go.  Feel the difference in your body and how your clothes fit.  Commit yourself to one month.  Give yourself 30 days of eating better and working out even 3 times a week.  I challenge you* to do that. Thirty days is not a long time.  But those thirty days can change your life.

You have to work for it.

~Fit Bitch

*Anyone accepting my challenge, please feel free to comment or email me and let me know you’ve accepted the challenge, or if you want fitness tips, instructions, workout ideas, or nutritional advice/healthy eating coaching.

Discipline (Day 21)


~Fit Bitch

Get Ecxited! (Day 10)

Excited about Health

I often hear people complain about healthy eating and fitness.

I hear that eating healthy is expensive and exercising is time-consuming – yadda, yadda, yadda.

But I get excited about getting healthy.  For obvious reasons, getting healthy.  But also because it gives me the opportunity to try so many new things – new recipes, new exercises, new fitness classes, etc.

It’s also an opportunity to be social (and be social with people outside of my regular social circle).

Go into your new healthy lifestyle with the outlook that it’s an adventure.  Be positive about it and have fun with it and you’ll love the outcome.

~Fit Bitch



Ya Gotta Have Heart!

RUNNERSI saw this yesterday in my Facebook feed and was inspired…..for a minute.  Then I realized, I do indeed have a runner’s body because I AM a runner, dammit!

The above photo was posted by one of my bootcampers – who also ran in the Harvest Marathon this past weekend.  I’ve watched her during my class and she works for it.  She gives it her all.  And she did such a great job in the race and she deserves to be so proud of herself.

We should never let anyone or anything diminish our accomplishments. And certainly not because we don’t conform to a required “mold” or ideal.

I am well aware that my arm skin jiggles when I’m running, thank you.  But you know what?  I’ve worked my ass off for that arm skin, because 10 years ago it was arm fat.  (Don’t even get me started on the boobs!)  I continue to work on toning and strength training but sometimes life, genetics, and just stubborn fat cells get in the way.  Does that make me any less of a runner or an athlete?  Hell no!

We need to stop idolizing the idea of what’s perfect and what’s acceptable and what’s “normal“.

Don’t let anyone ever take away of your greatness.  And please don’t let that someone be you.  You got this.

~Fit Bitch


MEDALYesterday I ran in the Harvest Marathon here in Nova Scotia.  It was my first time.

I didn’t realize how big this event was – or had become – but it was insane!  There were over 900 people registered in my category alone – and more than 3000 Nova Scotians registered for the entire marathon (not counting those from other provinces – or even countries, as there were a few).

I was excited, nervous, and anxious.  I was tired and sore (I think I pulled a hip flexor in class the other night), and was worried how my ankle (and bladder) would hold up.

It was an early morning with a BFF.  It was dark, dreary, and really cold.

But we did it.  All of us!

I ran alone (BFF was registered in a different category).  Plugged into Darius Rucker’s Wagon Wheel (it honestly helped me run), and pushed myself harder than I’ve pushed myself in a long time.

In fact, I pushed myself so hard I shaved 34 minutes off my time from Thursday night (just three days before).

My ankle is 100% okay – thankfully.  My hip flexor, on the other hand, is a different story – I have to tug on the toe of my sock to lift my leg – and my calves are tight today, but all in all I feel fantastic and proud.

And I’m proud of the other runners – and inspired by many!

This was an incredible experience and I am so elated to have finally been able to experience it.

~Fit Bitch

Saturday Workout

It’s Saturday!  It’s the weekend!  I’m sleeping in past 7!!!  (Yay!)  And it’s just a few days ’til Christmas.

I am hosting a Christmas party this evening.  I have a hundred and one things to do today before I even start to get ready for tonight, but I’m going to make sure I get a great workout in in spite of my crazy day.

I know that it’s the time of year when things are bananas and we just seem to run out of time to get everything amid the hustle and bustle, but believe me, you can find the time for even a mini-workout.


Do yourself the favor and take a few minutes for yourself.  Try and fit in a little workout today.  Exercise is a great way to release stress and even 5 or 10 minutes can change your entire mood and outlook resulting in a more productive day.

Remember, you’re worth it.

Here’s a great little workout to get you started.  Do it once, twice, three times.  Whatever your pleasure.

via Back on Pointe

via Back on Pointe

Have fun!

~Fit Bitch

Get Comfortable


I really should have posted this with along with last week’s Confessions post.  

Jillian Michaels said in one of her workout videos “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  And she’s right.  So many people complain when they start a new exercise – or start exercising at all – that they’re sore, they hurt, they’re uncomfortable.  Well duh!  That’s because your body is moving in ways it likely hasn’t moved in quite some time.  Of course it’s going to be sore.  Then it will get accustomed to the new movement and it will thank you.  

Like the photo suggests – I’d rather be uncomfortable for a short time then be unhappy for life.  I’ve been there.  I refuse to go back.

~Fit Bitch

30 Day Killer Body Workout

I haven’t posted any challenges lately and I figured, since summer is pretty much over, it’s as good a time as any to post one.  So here it is:

Full Body Workout

These are some great exercises – which you can do as high or low impact.  Just, please, be sure to take your rest days.

I, personally, love squats and burpees and could do them all day long (I’ve been doing some wonderful squat challenges in my boot camp classes and my girls hate me) so this challenge, to me, looks super fun!  So, grab a friend (or do this on your own), blast some music and get your sweat on. 

Keep in mind that there are ALWAYS modifications for exercises (ie. Leg lifts can be done one leg at a time as opposed to both legs, pushups can be done from your knees) – just do what’s best for your body; don’t overexert yourself.  We always want to prevent injury with everything we do. If  you have any questions feel free to comment or inbox me.

Have fun!!

~Fit Bitch

Being Fit DOES NOT Mean Being Thin!

The other day I was having a Facebook conversation with a guy who was asking if I have any single friends. I suggested a friend to him and he said he would have to decline as she was not his “type.” So I asked him what his type was and he replied “Well, I do like someone fit.”
Now, from what I know of this dude, “fit” is not his type….THIN is his type. And of course I went off on a mini tangent:

“Now listen…..just because some of us have a little extra meat doesn’t mean we’re not fit. I work out every day, just wrote my exam to be a certified personal trainer, and I’m not skinny Minnie….Does NOT mean I’m not fit. Fit and thin are two different things. So…be cautious of what you ask for!”

He really peeved me off. First of all, the girl I suggested to him is not unfit. She works out and she looks great. Another woman I know who he had dated is super skinny to the point that she’s under weight. She’s lost a lot of weight due to stress and then due to not eating. She admits she had eating disorders for a long time and believes that, to a degree, they have resurfaced since she started losing this recent weight. She’s gangly and her head looks too big for her body. To him, this woman is “fit”, to me, she is unhealthy.

There’s a photo circulating the internet and social media that I love. It’s what 150lbs looks like on different women and I think it’s an important image for us to view:

What 150lbs looks like on different women

What 150lbs looks like on different women

Our bodies are different. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others. And we NEED TO STOP BELIEVING THAT THIN = FIT/HEALTHY!
Now, I’m not saying that thin men and women aren’t healthy or fit, I’m stating that they are not one and the same.
I don’t want to be shamed into thinking believing that I’m not healthy or fit because I’m not a size 0 (which, I’ve always wondered, why is that even a size? Shouldn’t sizes start at 1??).

Years ago I was on a date with a guy (a professional wrestler, BTW, with protruding tummy), who stated that Pink was fat. PINK. THIS WOMAN:
pink cut

Pink is not fat. She’s a hard-working woman with one of the most cut bodies I’ve ever seen. Yet, my Jelly Belly date decided to take whatever anger or resentment he had for her and throw a weight comment in. Such a dick. Y’know, sometimes, you just can’t win.
(And for the record, even if Pink was fat, who the eff was this guy with his beer gut and slicked back hair to comment on it?)

I’ve sort of lost my train of thought in my writing because I’m angered at these guys but my point, when I started out with this post, is that we HAVE to realize that just because we’re skinny doesn’t mean we’re healthy. Or just because we carry a little extra weight in our legs or arms doesn’t mean we’re not fit. And we need to stop striving for unhealthy goals in order to accomplish something that may not be suitable, realistic or healthy in the first place.

~Fit Bitch

May 2024

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