Back to My Mat

I used to be really into yoga. REALLY into it. I would practice every day. Some days I would meet on my mat a few times a day. I loved it. I craved it. And recently, I have missed it.

I don’t know how or when exactly it was when I stopped my practice. I just…..did.

Yoga had been such a huge part of my workout regime and my life. I loved the way it made me feel from head to toe. I love the way my body felt strong and lengthened and accomplished during and after each practice. And I loved the discipline it gave me.

At the beach with my favorite Aunt and yoga fest buddy…..we felt we should strike a pose.

I was practicing at home and in the park. I was taking classes and going on retreats. And for a while, I was fortunate enough to be working with a woman who owned a yoga studio, so I was able to take a class on my lunch breaks. Some days I was hitting the gym, taking a Zumba class or teaching a boot camp class, and finishing my day off a yoga class. I felt complete with my daily yoga flow.

It would nothing for me to stop, drop, and yoga – in the middle of town, at the beach, wherever felt good.

But then I just stopped. And my body has paid the price.

My mobility is limited due to stiffness from overwork. My joints are aching from overuse. My flexibility just plain sucks.

I am constantly working out. I run or go to the gym each morning, I walk on my lunch breaks, and I finish the days off with a boot camp class I teach, hitting the gym again, or getting in another run or walk. And this past summer I got into paddle boarding and tennis. Those activities, along with bike riding, have kept me insanely busy, and not giving a second thought to getting back to yoga. I became enamored with my weight lifting and building my strength and muscles, that I didn’t think about pampering them.

I have said several times over the last two years that I need to get back into my practice. But I just haven’t done it. I wasn’t lazy. I wasn’t complacent. I wasn’t committed. But now I am.

This past weekend I have recommitted myself to my practice. I have done a few flows each of the last three days and it is my goal to continue to do this. At minimum 5 times a week. Already, in just a few days, I feel good.

Looking forward to becoming one again

I can’t remember when I stopped. But today I remember why I started. And why I’m starting again.

I’m looking forward to getting back to a daily practice and I encourage you to try it. You don’t need to commit to a lengthy practice. Start with 5 or 10 minutes a day, if that’s all you’re comfortable with. And if you need help with your flow, check out social media for inspiration…..YouTube has a bazillion videos of all different levels of yoga, and there are tons of apps that are incredible for starting or maintaining a practice. FitOn is my absolute favorite.

And tell me….who is up for joining me in a #yogachallenge soon?


#yoga #practice #fitness #strength #strengthtraining #exercise #yogaflow

November 2021

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