30 Day Wall Sit Challenge

Today is March 1st.  Let’s take this month to strengthen our core, strengthen our legs, improve our posture, and increase our stamina.

Let’s make March the month for the 30 Day Wall Sit Challenge.
Wall Sit Challenge

I love wall sits.  I do them in my classes often.  I think they are fantastic.

I know they seem hard.  Believe me.  The though of “sitting” in the position freely for 300 seconds (that’s 5 whole minutes!) is maybe a little terrifying to some of  you.  But, I promise, it does get easier – because you get stronger.

When I first started the practice of wall sitting I could barely get through 30 seconds.  My thighs were screaming.  But now I can shake my booty with a smile on my face while we hold position.  I love it.  I feel stronger with each sit.

I feel proud.

Wall Sit girl

Proper wall sit:  This chick is lookin’ pretty good!

So don’t be scared.  Take this month to strengthen every part of your body.

when you first start, why not even try doing it a few times a day?  (Hey, it’s just a suggestion!)  Then come back in a month and tell me how you feel.  I want to hear how much stronger you’ve gotten in just 30 days.

~Fit Bitch

Challenges Complete


I am happy ecstatic to report that today is my last day for the 30 Day Ab Challenge and the 30 Day Squat Challenge.  This is my second time around with both.   And I feel exuberant having completed them together.

My abs certainly don’t look like the photo (neither do my thighs, for that matter – but my ass is lookin’ pretty fine!) and that is something that I accepted upon starting the Challenges again.  They’re exercises, not magic.  But, that being said, my tummy seems smaller and my thighs are definitely stronger (which I really noticed in Barre class last week).  I feel proud.

I hope everyone who started these Challenges stuck with it.  Who’s with me for the October Push Up Challenge?

~Fit Bitch

Call Me Maybe Squat Challenge

I found this challenge over the summer on Pinterest and the other day I offered it to my friend Krystal to complete over the weekend. Actually, I went all Inspector Gadget on her and proposed the challenge, should she choose to accept it, without her knowing what it was. She accepted it (no one self-destructed) and said she was going to do it Saturday and Sunday. (I hope she completed it.)

The challenge, which is to squat for the duration of Carly Rae Jepsom’s “Call Me Maybe”, offers different level squats so that you work tons of muscles and tone your thighs and booty. I challenge you all with this.

Have fun!

~Fit Bitch

May 2024

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