Challenges Complete


I am happy ecstatic to report that today is my last day for the 30 Day Ab Challenge and the 30 Day Squat Challenge.  This is my second time around with both.   And I feel exuberant having completed them together.

My abs certainly don’t look like the photo (neither do my thighs, for that matter – but my ass is lookin’ pretty fine!) and that is something that I accepted upon starting the Challenges again.  They’re exercises, not magic.  But, that being said, my tummy seems smaller and my thighs are definitely stronger (which I really noticed in Barre class last week).  I feel proud.

I hope everyone who started these Challenges stuck with it.  Who’s with me for the October Push Up Challenge?

~Fit Bitch

The End of Summer


As much as I hate to admit it, the end of summer is upon us.  I love summer.  I love the sun and the heat and the blue skies.  But, I love fall too.  And one great thing about fall is a bit of cooler weather – which will allow for some harder workouts.  Not that I’m not already working my ass off, but good grief it’s hot!!   Whether I’m working out at home, in the gym or in class I’m sweating to the point that I can’t get my gym clothes off afterwards (BTW – have you ever cleaned a litter box after a sweaty workout?  So gross.) – and this is with fans or air-conditioning straight up on me.  I have a tendency to overheat when I work out (it’s the only time in my life that I’m ever hot) so the cooler weather is helpful to cool things down – especially when I’m running or doing a crazy cardio exercise like Insanity.

With the end of summer also comes new fitness classes {as well as getting me closer to finally taking my course in becoming a Fitness Training Specialist (PTS)} – I am so excited to begin the Barre Strength class as well as get deeper into Yoga, which has become a bit of an addiction.  I mean, does anyone else crave Yoga??


And like I said, with the cooler weather, I’ll be able to do more activities outdoors – running and hiking and maybe even a pick-up tackle football game….or even just chasing my nephews while they ride their bikes.  My biggest goal for the fall is definitely to get outside and have some good runs.  I’ve been doing most of my running the last year indoors on the treadmill.   I had surgery on my eye last September and I have no-to-limited depth perception in that eye so it makes running outside a bit difficult with my judgement  – which has left me sliding into the ditch on one particular run.  Hello mortification.  Sliding into a ditch is not my biggest worry with this, however.  Over or under judging something and tripping on the concrete and knocking my teeth out or breaking my arms are more my concerns, so I’m sticking to the treadmill on an incline as much as possible.  But, my goal is to run more outside.  I just need to find a place away from concrete and people.

Although I always give exercise my all, I find that in the fall I’m more determined.  More diligent.  If that is even possible.  I’m pretty strict with my diet and regimen – although fall does bring in one special treat that I look forward to – Pumpkin Spice coffee drinks.  Maybe it’s because of that alone that I feel like I need to work even harder.  Fortunately, the closest Starbucks and Second Cup are both more than an hour away so these treats are mostly limited to at least every couple of weekends.


I guess I’m just looking forward to getting out there and trying to things.  I am hoping that I get to a few different classes – in addition to Zumba, Yoga and Barre – it’d be nice to try out some other classes.  I have a friend who’s a member at a different gym and they offer tons of other classes so I may have to invite myself along here and there.  And though I’m completely faithful to my fitness instructor, I would be keen on trying Yoga with a different instructor on occasion.  We’ll have to wait and see what the next few months bring and where my fitness adventures take me.

~Fit Bitch



May 2024

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