Beast Mode

Beast ModeY’know, except for those times when I’m recovering from an injury, I always put 100 % into my workouts – even if I’m strapped for time and can only spare 10 or 20 minutes (this rarely happens for me nowadays) I put everything into my workout.  I want to leave the gym or a class feeling like I really accomplished something. I want to feel like I earned that sweat or those gloriously sore muscles.

Last week I hurt my back at the gym – I tweaked an old (serious) injury and the following few days I was in pain and hobbling around…..the fact that I was able to dress myself those days was a feat in itself.  And although I’d had plans for exercise I played it smart and safe and took a few days off.  Last night I did 30 minutes of yoga (from the P90X series, which is a little bonkers) and felt really good to get those stretches in and start a little sweat.  But once the back pain reared its head I decided I’d had enough.

Tonight I felt good and strong and ready to go.  I just finished a great workout – I didn’t overdo it and definitely didn’t do anything that I knew would leave me hobbling for the rest of the week.  But what I did do I did full beast mode.

(Note* – I don’t encourage or condone working out while injured.  I am a professional with a history of a recurring back injury and I know my limits.)

What my body was capable of I let it do.  And what my mind new better of, I made sure to avoid.

~Fit Bitch

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January 2015

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