Stop Eating Sh*t

Jen An

Thanks Jen.

I know it may be hard to fall in line with Jennifer Aniston’s (or any celebrity’s) preaching way of thinking when it looks like she has never experienced a fat day in her life (although we’ve heard the stories of how she was asked by producers to lose weight prior to shooting “Friends”). Truth is, yeah, she may be thin but it takes discipline to stay lean and healthy. And to swear yourself off completely from foods you enjoy is not the best idea. You’re more likely setting yourself up for failure. I am not a junk-food eater but on occasion, I like to indulge in something. Like right now, for instance, I am savoring some yummy chocolate. Not dark chocolate, either. I just had a handful of crappy straight-to-my-ass chocolate pieces. And I’ve now, just now, put the box deep inside my desk so that the urge to continue eating it is gone. Out of sight, out of mind.

But, I was feeling like some chocolate today and I went for it. If I have a craving for more sweet stuff later I have some beautiful strawberries in the fridge. See, it’s okay to indulge once in a while; the rule is to not overindulge.

When you want something, have it. Enjoy it. Savor it. APPRECIATE it. And you will be satisfied.

~Fit Bitch

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July 2013

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